Does your kitty seem stressed or out of sorts? This energetic healing modality can help balance and revitalize her.

You can approach healing from a variety of different angles. One modality that produces profound results in my own work is chakra healing. The word “chakra” is a Sanskrit term meaning “wheel”. Chakras are often referred to as “wheels of light” or “wheels of life”. It’s because chakras are vital to the healthy life of all beings, including our feline companions.

Simply put, chakras are energy vortices or portals located at various points throughout the body. They are vehicles for receiving, assimilating and expressing life force energy. The chakra system is like a “map of consciousnesses” for each individual animal. It is important to know that all life force energy is filtered into a cat’s energetic body through these portals and is eventually funneled, via the meridians, into the endocrine system, which consists of various glands. This is how it ends up impacting the cat on a physical level. The degree to which a cat’s chakras are healthy and balanced plays a large part in how this life force energy reaches him, so the goal is to always strive for a healthy chakra system.

Animals have eight or nine major chakras depending on which system you use. For this article, we will highlight eight major chakras.


When healing cats through the chakra system, imbalances on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels can all be impacted and improved.

How chakra healing is done Balancing your cat’s chakras can help with many common issues such as fear and timidity, bullying and aggression, inappropriate elimination, digestive upsets, living in unnatural environments and more. The sky’s the limit with what you can work on. When healing cats through the chakra system, imbalances on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels can all be impacted and improved. Most energy healing modalities incorporate chakra healing in some form.Most energy healing modalities incorporate chakra healing in some form.

Chakra healing can be done on our feline companions in a number of ways:

  • Hands-on healing, which includes locating the chakra, sensing or feeling what is going on there energetically, then working with the energy to clear blockages and imbalances to bring it back to perfect homeostasis.
  • Visualizing each chakra and its corresponding color, then visualizing a perfectly balanced vortex spinning in complete harmony (via your intention).
  • Using color light therapy with corresponding chakra colors.
  • Using crystal therapy by placing crystals in the chakra colors near or on your feline companion.
  • Chakra healing can be done with equal effectiveness either in person or over a distance.

Chakra healing is a great adjunct to veterinary care. When the chakras are balanced, the result is optimal health and vitality for your feline companion.

cat diagram